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Osnovna škola Gornja Vežica Rijeka



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Elementary School Gornja Vežica is situated in Rijeka, in Croatia. Rijeka is the 3rd biggest town in Croatia and has a population of 150,000. The city is well-known for its industrial past as well as the incredible mixture of sea and mountains. Gornja Vežica is a part of Rijeka where our school is situated and the school has proudly carried this name for the past 46 years.

The school has 415 pupils and 40 teachers. Special attention is devoted to those who need it the most. Pupils with cerebral paralysis attend our school. In the past 27 years we have had  120 children with cerebral paralysis and they have been fully integrated in the school and in the normal classroom. 

For the past 27 years the school has organized a programme for talented young mathematicians of our city called mathematics e-classroom. Annually 100 young talented children attend this programme.

In addition, our school also organizes a project called Eco School. The progamme encourages pupils and local community to come up with various activities in order to increase the consciousness about the importance of  protecting and caring for the Earth.

We are particularly pleased with our pupil’s sensibility toward our cultural inheritance. We have organized a field trip to Holly Cross Hill (brdo Sv.Križ – situated near our school) during which one of our pupils has found a fragment (Svetokriški odlomak) with Glagolitic script. It is the oldest finding of Glagolitic alphabet in this area. Another pupil has found a metal sculpture of the Roman wolf dated to approximately 1st century BC. Thanks to those extraordinary findings, archaeological research has been set up and the whole Holly Cross Hill has been declared a protected cultural area. 

Every year we take part in the international Rijeka Children's Carnival.   

Furthermore, we encourage pupils' scientific thinking by participating in various scientific projects. This year pupils are doing a project “Stone”. In the past our pupils did a project on the wind called “Bura” (a very strong wind which characterizes our region) and the project on the problems of noise in our working environment.    

In order to promote mental health our school takes part in many programmes and activities with the purpose of preventing addiction and violence among children.

Lastly, our school is especially proud of the cooporation with other schools both in Croatian and thoroughout Europe. We have an excellent cooperation with professors from Great Britain, from York and Telford.

Our motto “The future of the world rests on our children” proves that by giving love and kindness to our children we are building a happier and better future.


Priloženi dokumenti:
CHI SIAMO- prijevod.doc

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